The Ageless Secret's Blog

Boosting Your Energy To Make Happy Water

What is happy water? Happy water is the kind of water we have in us when we are young.

This is a Jim Kaszyk theory and it is based on the concept of structured water. Structured water is described as organized water.

water1.1-300x200So how does that benefit you? An easy way to understand how this works is to compare the difference between quartz and sand. Both are chemically the same, but quartz is highly structured allowing it to amplify electrical signals. Sand is randomly structured and it does not amplify electrical signals. According to the structured water theory of aging, when we are young we have high amounts of structured water. As we age the amount declines until we can no longer live.

Also according to this theory your DNA is bathed in this kind of water and stress destroys structured water. So, it may be that by having happy thoughts you help to keep your structured water, the water of your youth, intact so your DNA can function best. But, the bigger question here is where does this structured water of youth come from and why do we lose it?

“4” Comments

  1. Pingback: The Value of Structured Water |

  2. Pingback: Is Age Reversal Now Possible? |

  3. The daily requirement of calcium is easily met by a variety of vegan foods like sesame seeds, quinoa and broccoli. The great thing about these sources of calcium is that unlike dairy they also have magnesium, which is essential along with vitamin D for your body to absorb and use the calcium.

  4. Water is also the great and major thing for the body it has a lot vitamin which support the body with much energetically it consist of a lot electrolytes which are very beneficiary to the life.

  5. It is better for all of us that body needs much vitamins and such vitamins give much support to the body to make it strong and firm.

  6. It is better for all of us that body needs much vitamins and such
    vitamins give much support to the body to make it strong and firm. 

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