2-Minute Wrinkle Eraser

LightStim: the 2-Minute Wrinkle Eraser

You are in for a treat if you own a LightStim

As you know it normally takes 5-6 weeks to see the wrinkles begin to go away and the results seem to plateau after a while. When used with The Ageless Secret GOLD you will see results in 2 Minutes. That’s right 2 Minutes!! To prove it for yourself just do one side of your face. Start by spraying the nasal labial fold with 2-3 sprays of The Ageless Secret GOLD and pat it in. Place the LightStim gently on the area for 2 minutes. Then take it away and look in the mirror. The treated side will look plumper, like it had fillers. Next do the crows feet area doing the same procedure. When you take the LightStim away and look in the mirror you will see they are greatly reduced. Then do the rest of that side of your face and compare in the mirror. You will see better and faster results even if you have been using your LightStim for years.

We have seen fabulous results with our client in our Palm Desert office. Most are in their 60’ and 70”s and they see an improvement when they do this one side test against the other. We also demo at Clark’s Nutrition at their Rancho Mirage Mega Store and brought the LightStim for shoppers to try. (Ageless Secret is the best selling beauty product in the store.)

SWilson-Presentation1Results vary from person to person and we learned that younger people see incredible results quickly. We treated two of the sales staff, a man, Anthony, and a woman, Bobbie. Both are in their 40’s. Bobbie treated the crows feet on one side of her face with The Ageless Secret GOLD and then held the LightStim there for 2 minutes. When she removed the LightStim we were all amazed. The wrinkles were gone! Anthony had lines going across his forehead. He treated the area in the middle. After 2 minutes the lines no longer went all the way across!

Try The Ageless Secret GOLD with your LightStim RISK FREE. You have nothing to lose but some wrinkles. If you don’t see results like this we will gladly give you your money back.



How it works. The LightStim is an FDA approved LED that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are helical molecules that are wrapped in water. The Ageless Secret GOLD has been scientifically proven to expand water. It does this because it has a special energy that enhances the formation of structured water. When collagen and elastin are bathed in structured water they look their best.