
We have maintained that it’s the energy in our Ageless Secret products that makes skin tighter and develops a beautiful healthy glow. Critics have said that cannot be the way your products work because water cannot be energized.  Therefore, energy cannot be present in your products…

The video below is proof that our products do contain energy. In a side-by-side comparison, against plain water, a blue laser through the Ageless Secret Sun Lovers Mist appears tighter and brighter.  There are no physical ingredients in Ageless Secret Sun Lovers Mist. The report published March 2014 in the peer reviewed Science Journal, WATER proved the discovery of the new form of Subtle Energy in our products. They tested the pure bottled spring water that we have energized with our exclusive process (Sun Lovers Mist).  Full report can be seen by clicking ‘NEW ENERGY” button in the header for our web site.

The energy in Ageless Secret Sun lovers Mist is at the lowest level in our products. The product with the highest amount of energy, The Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula contains so much energy it can be shown it can energize water! This unique type of Energy, called Subtle Energy, is not thermal, nor atomic, nor electromagnetic.  It is non-threatening to the body and supports its natural processes. When applied to the skin, the energy in The Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula causes skin to look smoother, tighter and plumper and the skin develops a beautiful healthy glow.

These video test results have Age Reversal and Life Extension implications because in order for the beam to get brighter and tighter there must be some kind of organizing energy.  In life, the normal state of things is to fall apart with time and people and things age and no longer work like they did when they were young.  An organizing energy could theoretically slow or reverse that.  Scientists would call this increased coherence, and it implies a concept known as negative entropy, which is something only seen in living organisms because they can renew themselves making the physics of life different from the non-living world. For example, Harold Saxton Burr, PhD proved the body has an energy field he called the Life Field that surrounded every cell. (We think his discovery was such a big advancement in science that it should have earned the Nobel Prize.) That means the skin has an energy field that extends over it.  How big an advancement for science would it be if the Life Field could be shown it can structure water?  The video below shows the body’s energy field can structure water!

By the way, those who know about science will tell you the implications of being able to energize water and create a condition of organizing energy, means we need to re-write our laws of physics.  That is not entirely correct. — it just means our current knowledge is incomplete, and there is more to discover!!

How does the body’s energy structure water?  In the Video below, Walter E. Dibble, PhD discusses the astounding results he witnessed while taking turbidity measurements on the water before and after being energized by the body’s energy.

Laser Beam Video

Scientific Study Verifies Unique Product that Slows Facial Aging by Harnessing Your Own Body Energy!

DateApril 24, 2013 | AuthorAuthor

Everyone has an “miracle” anti-aging product- but do they really work? Skip the procedures and invasive stuff– let’s just talk topical here. We all have had experience with pricey products that don’t do a lot. Or pricey products that produce some results but not long enough or eventually we are going broke “bathing” our face in the stuff. What if I told you that there is a product line available that will help you topically but also internally.. so that your face plumps up more and you could see visible differences fairly quickly– depending on how you use this.

The line is Ageless Secret and I have been talking to chemist/inventor/entrepreneur Jim Kazsyk about his product line of Ageless Secret Gold, Ageless Secret Diamond and also their new Sun Lovers Mist .


Women and men age differently but no matter what age you are , you can reduce the appearance of wrinkles with the new, improved version of The Ageless Secret ™an all natural, hydrating skin energizing and tightening spray that lifts, tones, and hydrates like a beauty mask.

Before 2007

“The Ageless Secret allows you to look younger as you get older because it uses our proprietary technology, Energetic CosmeticTM that helps reverse the signs of aging as it reduces the appearance of wrinkles on the face, forehead, eyes and other body parts,” stated Jim Kaszyk, a research chemist and president of KASZ Enterprises, Inc. which has been making and improving the product for the past 15 years.

After 2012

“The Ageless Secret is a low-cost reverse-aging skin care product alternative to expensive facial procedures like surgery and specialized spa treatments,” he said. “There is no pain, no down time and no side effects. The anti-wrinkle spray has a special energy that may help hydrate and revitalize skin stem cells.”

The beauty product supports the body’s built-in skin renewal system, which replaces skin cells on hands every 24 hours and on the face every 28 days.

“It is our job to make those new skin cells look the very best we can. With regular daily use you will see your skin’s appearance improve. It produces a temporary skin tightening and improvement in skin elasticity. Skin regenerates from within, so it helps your body make those cells the best they can be.”

From the San Francisco Chronicle

The Ageless Secret products boost the electrical energy of the skin, revitalizes the water within, restores luster and smoothness and immediately improves skin elasticity by up to 50%.

The science behind the product is based on the research of Dr. Harold Saxton Burr of Yale and which was documented on a PBS video, “American Health Journal: Discoveries In Alternative Medicine.”

The William A. Tiller Research Institute, an independent lab, verified that the product infused the water with energy.

The above video shows real time proof that The Ageless Secret™ is highly Energetic. Quite dramatically, the product scores very high numbers and, amazingly, is capable of boosting recorded low numbers of other substances!

Notably, when The Ageless Secret™ was scored with low energy value substances, readings were slightly higher than The Ageless Secret™ alone. This may result from lower energy substances challenging the body in the much the same way as immune system stimulation therapies create a response; and The Ageless Secret™ “took advantage” by recording higher scores. This revolutionary discovery may be the credibility and PROOF for Energetics sought by natural medicine.

Want to learn more about the science and technology behind the product? (worth the time!) Please visit
Free Reports

To find out how to reduce the effects of aging, the company offers a free ebook,
“Ageless Secrets: Did You Know that You Are Not Supposed to Look Older as You Age?”

Download it HERE:
Ageless Secret eBook

YOU should try this product, especially if you have a LightStim. (don’t know what that is? search in this blog for it!). This is a great product and there are different ways to use it to make sure that you get the best results. It’s not super fast- but it’s affordable, the bottles last a long time and if you are diligent, you will be THRILLED with the results.

PS. I do use this product. The last round I purchased– some of everything. When Ageless Secret has specials, that’s when I buy. So do pay attention to the site. The best results are from the Ageless Secret GOLD but also the Sun Lovers Mist and I will tip you off a way to use it beyond just topically. I know it might sound weird– but it REALLY does work.

This isn’t the last you will hear about this product OR the study. READ IT.

Stevie Wilson,

Link to article on

summer_camp_sun_2013As studies are showing moderate sun exposure can be beneficial, people are starting to consider getting outside to catch some rays. However, as other studies show a correlation between skin cancer and sunscreens, people are becoming increasingly confused about how to safely get the sun exposure needed to allow their bodies to naturally produce vitamin D for optimal health.

Dr. Michael F. Holick, an authority on vitamin D and author of The Vitamin D Solution, recommends moderate daily sun exposure. By carefully following Holick’s advice to get out into the sun and protecting oneself from the sun when exposure has been sufficient, it is possible to safely use the sun as a good source of natural vitamin D. He also recommends about 10-15 minutes of sun exposure (without sunscreen products) during between 10:00AM and 3:00PM in the summer, 20 -30 minutes in the spring and fall and 35-40 minutes in the winter.

Benefits of Sun Exposure over Supplementation:
There are benefits to producing vitamin D through sun exposure versus taking it in pill form. Dr. Holick states “vitamin D garnered from the sun lasts twice as long as vitamin D taken from food sources.” He also points out that there is no monetary cost associated with obtaining vitamin D from the sun. And that people cannot overdose on sun-sourced vitamin D, whereas there is a risk of toxicity when taking the pill form. Other published reports, including the Journal of the American Medical Association, indicating that people in outdoor occupations are less likely to get the deadly form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma, than those who spend most of their times indoors. The danger from the sun, according to the studies, comes with overexposure to the sun and the indiscriminate use of sunscreens that only block out UVB radiation.

The Danger in Sunscreens:
There are indications that some sunscreens do not block out the deeper penetrating UVA radiation that causes melanoma, but only the UVB radiation that causes sunburns and is also the same type of radiation from the sun that causes one to burn. Sunscreens encourage people to spend more time out in the sun. If the sunscreen used does not block out the UVA radiation, then a person will be at risk of developing malignant melanoma from prolonged exposure to UVA radiation. Sunscreens interfere with the body’s ability to tan, and the ability to tan is important in protecting us from getting melanoma. Even though UVB is the primary cause of sunburn, it initiates beneficial responses, stimulating the production of vitamin D that the body uses in many important processes, causes special skin cells called melanocytes to produce melanin, which is a protective. UVB also stimulates the production of Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH), an important hormone in weight loss and energy production.

Global Warming:
UVA, UVB and UVC come from the sun. All can be dangerous and all can damage collagen fibers and accelerate aging of the skin. Normally, UVC, the most dangerous UV rays are completely absorbed by the Ozone Layer. Dr. James G. Anderson, who studied the atmosphere for over 40 years, has found that Global Warming is causing strong storms, which lead to thinning of the Ozone Layer over the U.S. This thinning of the Ozone Layer can mean even brief moments in the sun may now put us at greater risk to the most dangerous UV rays –UVC.

Exposure to sun with no protection can lead to greater risk. There is a product called The Ageless Secret Sun Lovers Mist™ that blocks out the UVC rays, reduces the risk of accelerated aging from the sun and does not block vitamin D production. I like that it has no chemicals or preservatives and it leaves the skin feeling silky smooth without feeling greasy.

Dr. Howard Peiper, N.D., nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, has written several best selling books, including, “The Secrets of Staying Young”.

Article Compliments of:
The Ageless Secret™
73 -733 Fred Waring Drive, Ste 108
Palm Desert, CA

When we are young our skin has great elasticity, but as we age, it gradually declines and the skin looks older. Why?

We think it is because as we age, a youthful energy within us gradually weakens and we lose the ability to self-energize the water we drink.  Then the skin begins to lose elasticity, wrinkle, sag, and look older.

Prove The Energy For Yourself – With This Energized Water Test:
Amazingly, people with great skin elasticity can do this test and get some results without using any product!   Results are better with product.   In this test, the glass, acts as your skin, and the water in the glass, as the water in your skin.  The Ageless Secrettm GOLD has an energy boosting ability that can revitalize water in skin. Spray 5 sprays of The Ageless Secrettm GOLD into the palm of one hand. Rub your palms together several times. Pour yourself a glass, or plastic cup of water, paper cups don’t work as well. Wrap both hands firmly around the container of water. Hold for 30 seconds. Put some of the energized water on your CLEAN skin and rub it in. Most people notice this “self-energized water” feels more slippery than water and wets out their skin better!

We Are Seeking Volunteers of Various Ages To Perform This Energy Test:
The results of our testing, without product, has shown us there may be a strong connection between how much skin elasticity a person has and their ability to energetically change the properties of water.   If the theory is correct, we think every child can do this with ease and probably most adolescents.   We will be posting the results on our blog at for everyone to see.  We are hoping hundreds and maybe thousands will be curious enough to try this test.   Email us with your results giving us your approximate age (corresponds to skin elasticity) and name.

The Ageless Secret
75-180 Mediterranean, Suite B, Palm Desert, CA

This information is intended to enhance youthful beauty.
The FDA has not evaluated these statements. None of this information is intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease.

The sun is good for you, but too much or the wrong kind of sun exposure can be bad for you. The damage comes if you don’t have enough minerals in your blood, don’t move around, and get too much exposure at peak times. Every person is different and some can tolerate more sun than others. However, there is a supplement that you can take which
may help minimize damage from the sun. That supplement is MSM. MSM works by making cell membranes more flexible. Since over exposure to the sun tends to decrease cell membrane flexibility, taking MSM can help.

Here is an important to fact to remember from Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Alex Carrel; staying young is all about creating conditions in your body that will allow your cells to receive all the nutrients and oxygen they need. Dr. Carrel won the Nobel Prize for proving scientifically that if your body could get all the nutrients and oxygen it needed, it would never die!

If your skin becomes leathery and sun damaged it will age faster because the cells are less flexible and can no longer receive nutrients easily. MSM is very safe. It is an organic sulfur molecule that is in every cell in your body. It is impossible to be allergic to MSM. It is very water soluble and safer than common table salt. You can easily take 6 to 8 grams per day. However, you should start with 1 gram per day for a week then gradually build up. The reason for this is not that MSM has side effects, but instead MSM can help your body flush toxins out, and, if you go too fast, you may not feel too good from the extra burden your body has to deal with. While MSM is not a cure for arthritis, many people take it to help improve joint flexibility and relieve pain. Take MSM to help improve your skin flexibility and help protect against sun damaged skin.

In order for your body to renew itself it must have oxygen. Your red blood cells are the vehicles that transport oxygen to your cells. Foods or supplements that you can eat that will make it easier for your body to make nice healthy red blood cells can improve your energy and make you feel and look younger. One of those groups of foods is called “Green Foods”. They are called green foods because they are rich in Chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll, amazingly, is almost identical chemically to the chemical in your red blood cells that transports oxygen except that in your blood the central atom is Iron and in Chlorophyll it is Magnesium. Foods that are awesome for supplying Chlorophyll are Wheat Grass, Barley Grass and Alfalfa. They are available as commercially produced powders and capsules.

Up to now I have tried not to get too technical with chemical terms, but we need to discuss alkaline and acid blood. In order for you to renew with ease your blood must be slightly alkaline. When your blood is not slightly alkaline and instead becomes acidic, really bad things can happen. You can die. You can become prone to heart disease, kidney problems, weak brittle bones and cancer. In addition to helping your body make healthy red blood cells Green Foods also supply lots of Magnesium, which help your blood stay slightly alkaline.

You see, stress, too much protein in the diet, over exercising, infections, and aging all challenge your body to keep your blood slightly alkaline. Your body balances your blood by using minerals to keep it slightly alkaline. These minerals are Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium. If your body does not have enough of these to keep your blood slightly alkaline, your body will take Calcium from your bones and use it to rebalance your blood! This is really a metabolic thing. One would rarely see the blood becoming acidic. However, evidence that the body is working hard to maintain proper conditions can be seen by looking at the saliva or the urine as it will change according to the “battle” that is taking place in the body. The harder your body is working to maintain the proper conditions for the blood the more likely you will age faster.

So, if you want to stay young or reverse the effects of aging, make sure your diet includes foods and supplements that can supply you with lots of these alkaline forming minerals. One inexpensive source for Potassium is Apple Cider Vinegar. Get the kind that has been processed under low heat and still has “the mother” in it. Nuts are rich in Magnesium. Dairy is rich in Calcium, but it is a kind of Calcium that is difficult for you to absorb. Sesame seeds and green leafy vegetables are some of the best food sources for Calcium.

Because it is so critical to have enough minerals in the diet you may want to consider taking supplements. However, it is very important to take the correct form of supplement-one your body can best absorb. For example, the Calcium in chalky tablets is very hard for your body to use. The best supplements are called high absorption Calcium and high absorption Magnesium, such as Magnesium Orotate or Aspartate. Don’t do guess work here. Ask for and take the advice of a Naturopath, the owner of a small health food store, or, if you go to a large chain, make sure the person is knowledgeable. How do you know if you have enough alkaline minerals in your diet? You can test your saliva or your urine with test strips available at health food stores.

Happy water is the structured water you have in you in great abundance when you are young. This kind of water occurs naturally in some remote mountainous regions. Most of us did not drink structured water as children. We drank unorganized tap water, yet somehow our skin created it.

When we were young our skin looked great and our skin elasticity was fantastic. We know that collagen and elastin give skin its suppleness. According to structured water, collagen and elastin are bathed in structured water like your DNA.

Stress can be emotional, chemical or environmental. It is believed that stress destroys structured water and that is why we lose it as we age. However, my own research and the fact that we had a great abundance of it in us when we were young, even though we did not drink it, shows it is more correct to say that stress destroys your skin’s ability to create structured water. The first signs we are losing this ability to create structured water (getting old) is our skin begins to wrinkle and sag. This is the true cause of wrinkled old-looking skin!

Electricity and magnetism can create structured water. Did you know your skin is “electrical,” producing electricity constantly? Since your skin is electrical it seems that it is the ability of your skin to produce this electricity, which greatly determines how well your body supports the formation of Happy Water within it. Research I have done proves that by boosting the energy in the skin and hydrating it at the same time, skin elasticity can be
greatly increased. Want to know how to easily have skin that looks like it never ages? Ask Me.

There is a famous experiment that was done at Harvard. Several volunteers who were over the age of 50 were placed in an environment that was like being back in time. The magazines, the surroundings, and the music were from the 50s. They were told to have only discussions that were like when they were in the 50s. After two weeks, amazingly, when aging measurements were made, it was found that they had reversed their age by 10 years. Two weeks after returning to their normal environment they reverted back to their former selves. 

This experiment clearly shows the effect of the mind body connection on the way we look. What no one has been able to understand is why? If we look at the idea of “Happy Water,” we have a possible explanation showing that if one can compensate for the effects of stress age reversal may be possible. This may also explain why when people get back from having a great relaxing vacation they look years younger.

Want to know how to do it without going on vacation? Ask me.

As a followup to our post on Happy Water, we wanted to share this video with you about structured water.

Structured water is most beneficial to our health. Structured, hexagonal water acts as a powerful anti-oxidant, capable of destroying vast numbers of excess free radicals which can accumulate in our bodies and a wide variety of additional tasks that water in its basic, H2O format, cannot do.

This is one of the reasons Ageless Secret works so well!
