The sun is good for you, but too much or the wrong kind of sun exposure can be bad for you. The damage comes if you don’t have enough minerals in your blood, don’t move around, and get too much exposure at peak times. Every person is different and some can tolerate more sun than others. However, there is a supplement that you can take which
may help minimize damage from the sun. That supplement is MSM. MSM works by making cell membranes more flexible. Since over exposure to the sun tends to decrease cell membrane flexibility, taking MSM can help.

Here is an important to fact to remember from Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Alex Carrel; staying young is all about creating conditions in your body that will allow your cells to receive all the nutrients and oxygen they need. Dr. Carrel won the Nobel Prize for proving scientifically that if your body could get all the nutrients and oxygen it needed, it would never die!

If your skin becomes leathery and sun damaged it will age faster because the cells are less flexible and can no longer receive nutrients easily. MSM is very safe. It is an organic sulfur molecule that is in every cell in your body. It is impossible to be allergic to MSM. It is very water soluble and safer than common table salt. You can easily take 6 to 8 grams per day. However, you should start with 1 gram per day for a week then gradually build up. The reason for this is not that MSM has side effects, but instead MSM can help your body flush toxins out, and, if you go too fast, you may not feel too good from the extra burden your body has to deal with. While MSM is not a cure for arthritis, many people take it to help improve joint flexibility and relieve pain. Take MSM to help improve your skin flexibility and help protect against sun damaged skin.

In order for your body to renew itself it must have oxygen. Your red blood cells are the vehicles that transport oxygen to your cells. Foods or supplements that you can eat that will make it easier for your body to make nice healthy red blood cells can improve your energy and make you feel and look younger. One of those groups of foods is called “Green Foods”. They are called green foods because they are rich in Chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll, amazingly, is almost identical chemically to the chemical in your red blood cells that transports oxygen except that in your blood the central atom is Iron and in Chlorophyll it is Magnesium. Foods that are awesome for supplying Chlorophyll are Wheat Grass, Barley Grass and Alfalfa. They are available as commercially produced powders and capsules.

Up to now I have tried not to get too technical with chemical terms, but we need to discuss alkaline and acid blood. In order for you to renew with ease your blood must be slightly alkaline. When your blood is not slightly alkaline and instead becomes acidic, really bad things can happen. You can die. You can become prone to heart disease, kidney problems, weak brittle bones and cancer. In addition to helping your body make healthy red blood cells Green Foods also supply lots of Magnesium, which help your blood stay slightly alkaline.

You see, stress, too much protein in the diet, over exercising, infections, and aging all challenge your body to keep your blood slightly alkaline. Your body balances your blood by using minerals to keep it slightly alkaline. These minerals are Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium. If your body does not have enough of these to keep your blood slightly alkaline, your body will take Calcium from your bones and use it to rebalance your blood! This is really a metabolic thing. One would rarely see the blood becoming acidic. However, evidence that the body is working hard to maintain proper conditions can be seen by looking at the saliva or the urine as it will change according to the “battle” that is taking place in the body. The harder your body is working to maintain the proper conditions for the blood the more likely you will age faster.

So, if you want to stay young or reverse the effects of aging, make sure your diet includes foods and supplements that can supply you with lots of these alkaline forming minerals. One inexpensive source for Potassium is Apple Cider Vinegar. Get the kind that has been processed under low heat and still has “the mother” in it. Nuts are rich in Magnesium. Dairy is rich in Calcium, but it is a kind of Calcium that is difficult for you to absorb. Sesame seeds and green leafy vegetables are some of the best food sources for Calcium.

Because it is so critical to have enough minerals in the diet you may want to consider taking supplements. However, it is very important to take the correct form of supplement-one your body can best absorb. For example, the Calcium in chalky tablets is very hard for your body to use. The best supplements are called high absorption Calcium and high absorption Magnesium, such as Magnesium Orotate or Aspartate. Don’t do guess work here. Ask for and take the advice of a Naturopath, the owner of a small health food store, or, if you go to a large chain, make sure the person is knowledgeable. How do you know if you have enough alkaline minerals in your diet? You can test your saliva or your urine with test strips available at health food stores.

Happy water is the structured water you have in you in great abundance when you are young. This kind of water occurs naturally in some remote mountainous regions. Most of us did not drink structured water as children. We drank unorganized tap water, yet somehow our skin created it.

When we were young our skin looked great and our skin elasticity was fantastic. We know that collagen and elastin give skin its suppleness. According to structured water, collagen and elastin are bathed in structured water like your DNA.

Stress can be emotional, chemical or environmental. It is believed that stress destroys structured water and that is why we lose it as we age. However, my own research and the fact that we had a great abundance of it in us when we were young, even though we did not drink it, shows it is more correct to say that stress destroys your skin’s ability to create structured water. The first signs we are losing this ability to create structured water (getting old) is our skin begins to wrinkle and sag. This is the true cause of wrinkled old-looking skin!

Electricity and magnetism can create structured water. Did you know your skin is “electrical,” producing electricity constantly? Since your skin is electrical it seems that it is the ability of your skin to produce this electricity, which greatly determines how well your body supports the formation of Happy Water within it. Research I have done proves that by boosting the energy in the skin and hydrating it at the same time, skin elasticity can be
greatly increased. Want to know how to easily have skin that looks like it never ages? Ask Me.

There is a famous experiment that was done at Harvard. Several volunteers who were over the age of 50 were placed in an environment that was like being back in time. The magazines, the surroundings, and the music were from the 50s. They were told to have only discussions that were like when they were in the 50s. After two weeks, amazingly, when aging measurements were made, it was found that they had reversed their age by 10 years. Two weeks after returning to their normal environment they reverted back to their former selves. 

This experiment clearly shows the effect of the mind body connection on the way we look. What no one has been able to understand is why? If we look at the idea of “Happy Water,” we have a possible explanation showing that if one can compensate for the effects of stress age reversal may be possible. This may also explain why when people get back from having a great relaxing vacation they look years younger.

Want to know how to do it without going on vacation? Ask me.

What is happy water? Happy water is the kind of water we have in us when we are young.

This is a Jim Kaszyk theory and it is based on the concept of structured water. Structured water is described as organized water.

water1.1-300x200So how does that benefit you? An easy way to understand how this works is to compare the difference between quartz and sand. Both are chemically the same, but quartz is highly structured allowing it to amplify electrical signals. Sand is randomly structured and it does not amplify electrical signals. According to the structured water theory of aging, when we are young we have high amounts of structured water. As we age the amount declines until we can no longer live.

Also according to this theory your DNA is bathed in this kind of water and stress destroys structured water. So, it may be that by having happy thoughts you help to keep your structured water, the water of your youth, intact so your DNA can function best. But, the bigger question here is where does this structured water of youth come from and why do we lose it?

Today we are revealing more tips to looking and feeling good.

Consider using a topical product to compensate for the effects of aging – “The newest most amazing treatment in my arsenal is Ageless Secret,” says Dr. Johnson. “It’s an all-natural, invisible solution that can be sprayed onto the skin to improve elasticity. My clients absolutely love it. One of my front office staff has been using Ageless Secret for about four months and is already looking five to 10 years younger. Because it’s invisible, it can be used any time, any place – even while at work. I would not have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes.”


Don’t smoke – “There’s just no good reason to do it,” says Dr. Johnson.

Go ahead and have that glass of wine – Alcohol in moderation can have a pleasant, relaxing effect. But Dr. Johnson cautions, “Excessive alcohol causes the pendulum to swing the opposite way by increasing stress on the body.”

Enjoy the sun – “We’ve been brainwashed to avoid all sun,” Dr. Johnson explains. “We now know that’s not correct. We need a moderate amount of sunlight every day. But certainly avoid excessive sun exposure.”

Get enough sleep – Sleep enables our bodies to rebuild, repair and rejuvenate. Dr. Johnson says 7-1/2 hours is a minimum for most people. But some may need as many as nine hours to feel refreshed.

Take a top quality, high potency multi-vitamin without iron.

Fix any hormone imbalances/deficiencies – “Thyroid is one of the most common and important ones to pay close attention to.”

And lastly, Dr. Johnson suggests that everyone try to maintain a positive attitude, — “This is huge!” he says. “When you are negative, hostile or angry, you’re adding internal stress to any external stress your body is enduring. So you’re compounding your stress problem.”
The Ageless Secret™, available in Original and Gold Formulas, is currently sold online at and at a limited number of health food stores.

Medical doctor and longevity expert shares his tips for feeling and looking younger

runnerWhen you got up this morning, did your energy level and appearance more closely match your children or your grandparents? Maybe it’s finally time to stop procrastinating and start living a healthier lifestyle. Dr. Daniel L. Johnson, M.D., founder and medical director of the Desert Longevity Institute in Palm Desert, California, says everyone needs a plan for naturally maintaining their youthful looks and stamina.

Exercise, good nutrition, and reducing stress top Dr. Johnson’s recommendations for anti-aging.

Below is his handy, clock-slowing checklist:

Try for 30 minutes of exercise daily – As a way to improve fitness and decrease stress, exercise offers a double bonus. What you do doesn’t matter as much as if you enjoy it. “If someone is forced to lift weights, it can add stress to their lives because they hate it,” says Dr. Johnson. “One exercise that yields the maximum benefit for the least amount of effort is rebounding – jumping up and down on a little trampoline.” And remember, exercise should make you feel better. If all exercises, even gentle ones, make you feel worse, Dr. Johnson suggests consulting a holistic doctor for adrenal testing.

Avoid stressing your body with poor nutrition – “When you eat sugar, starches and highly processed foods, your blood sugars go up dramatically. That’s a real stress your body must deal with,” explains Dr. Johnson. Replace sugary, processed foods with fruits and vegetables. Get plenty of fiber. And contrary to popular belief, you should get plenty of healthy, natural fats such as extra virgin olive oil and the fats found in coconuts, avocados, egg yolks, fish and nuts.

De-stress at your desk – It may be no great revelation, but Dr. Johnson says taking a mini-vacation in your mind’s eye is very effective. “Close your eyes, take slow breaths and imagine yourself in a pleasant situation,” he advises.

Stop back soon as we reveal more tips on feeling and looking younger.