Thank You FDA

We have the FDA to thank for forcing me to find this new energy!

It involves hair loss. In the 1990’s we made a shampoo that we only claimed made hair look fuller and thicker. Customers who were On Air Radio personalities said the product exceeds its claims and they were seeing lots of new hair. The FDA said you cannot use their statements. People who have male pattern baldness are sick. They have Idopathic Androgenic Alopecia, a disease of unknown origin. By repeating their hair growth claims you are guilty of claiming to cure this disease.

We argued in court that it was not a disease and they could not prove it. They lost. They appealed. Eventually they won. By the way, there were no safety issues or user complaints.

My shampoo product worked OK but I wanted to make it better. I wanted to be able to take a before photo of a bald person and then show an after photo where they had a full head of hair. I tried many ingredients with no success and eventually realized the problem may be DNA.

I reasoned there might be a big Life Energy role with DNA and renewal. I wanted to add Life Energy to my formula. Where do I begin? I had a background in catalyst chemistry. The science is not easy to explain. A catalyst makes a chemical reaction go faster. It is not used up and does not become part of the end product. It seems to be adding energy from somewhere. Maybe it is like Life Energy? Maybe I could learn the secrets of it and instead of making a reaction go faster I could lock it into ingredients and make super ingredients?

I created what I call catalytic towers to bring in the energy and infuse it into the ingredients. I was able to tell when I was successful because small amounts acted like a lot was there. Also, if the energy was like Life Energy it should flow through acupuncture channels and be systemic.

I made some shampoo formulas and tested them on me. I noticed that although I did not use it on my face, bad cystic acne scars were becoming less noticeable!

It wasn’t until 2001 that we were able to understand the Einstein Energy equation connection to create The Ageless Secret™ technology and skin care products.

At first, the catalytic towers worked marginally but they were improved over many years. In March 2014 a two year study was published in the Journal WATER proving they worked. Here is the quote: “Kaszyk created a process using proprietary catalytic towers that worked energetically to interact with matter when it is coupled with the subtle energy field. The result is Kaszyk, unknowingly concentrated a new form of subtle energy.”

Here is letter in July 2014 from, Dr. Walter Dibble, the lead researcher who did the study.

Here is a page about the science of the energy. It is taken from our other site written for scientists, universities, and news media.

Here is an enlarged graph of the energy made using Einstein’s Energy Equation.

As a gift to humanity I created this video to show that human energy can structure water.

Here is video about Dr. Dibble after he was “blown away” by the results he witnessed.

In 2019 I made a video showing that the energy has the property of Anti-Gravity.

The Anti-gravity video shows the energy makes water lighter. Please note that the distilled water is a factory sealed jug opened on camera to show the water is pure distilled water.

There is more to be thankful for:

Micro Particle Water may be the real reason we age. When I invented the test with a person holding a glass of water with both hands, it was not to simply show we have an energy in us that can pass through matter like a magnet and create Micro Particle Water. It was for me to be able to see inside the skin without penetrating the skin. If we think of water in the glass as an extension of the outer part of our skin and the water in the glass like the water in our skin, since this is energy, then if the water in the glass changes, the water in the skin must be the same thing. This is a big discovery because it shows the water in us is Micro Particle Water. Since Micro Particle Water is slippery it means the water can make our coiled molecules, Collagen, Elastin, and DNA work easily. They also lubricate our vital organs to help keep us young.

None of this information is intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease.