The Ageless Secret Age Better KIT

The Ageless Secret Age Better KIT


Kit uses Laboratory Proven Time Reversal Energy and Tiny Water Batteries, which add power to the natural formula and the Special Ingredient Helichrysum Italicum!   This is the World’s most expensive essential oil. It is also called IMMORTELLE because when the beautiful golden flowers are cut they don’t fade and they last a long time.  It is like they have an immortal energy!  Our unique technology amplifies it.  The developer and his wife are in their 70’s.  They look young and their hands look like they are maybe age 30!  It works for you too..  Our Guarantee:  Use the KIT for 30 days and if you don’t look like you don’t look like you have been swimming in the FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH we will refund your purchase! There are two spray bottles.  Both were sterilized.  The Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula™ is a favorite for Estheticians.  It lifts, tightens and plumps skin. The other bottle is the AGE Better Bottle, which is ready to use for FACE LIFTING Amazing Immediate results!  KIT also allows YOU to easily make 20 AGE BETTER BOTTLES!  Now everyone can inexpensively AGE BETTER. 

BONUS USES… The Energy works with Wine and Food too… See full description below for more:

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Description:  We are Innovation driven and clean beauty. Natural and Organic infused.  This Age Better KIT uses Laboratory Proven Time Reversal Energy to create tiny Water Batteries.  They help you Age Better, reduce stress, support hidden renewal cycles and they may help your DNA last longer.

WHY DO WE AGE?  There are many theories. Some of them are the Hormone Replacement Theory, The Free Radical Theory and The Telomere Theory.  Here is the most common problem which none address because they don’t have an answer for this!


  • Every 28 days we get new facial skin
  • In 6 months all the atoms on the face are completely new
  • Every 24 hours we get new skin on our hands
  • Every 5 days you get a new stomach lining
  • Every 5 months you get a new liver
  • Every 8 months your nervous system is replaced
  • Each year 98% of the atoms in us are replaced
  • Every 7 years you get a completely new body.

What! How can this be? These are the findings of a study done at Oak Ridge National Laboratories during the 1950’s. The problem is these hidden renewal cycles decline after the age of 35 and no knows why.

However, a researcher from Yale, Dr. Harold Saxton Burr, the head of the Life Sciences Department, believed he accidentally found the reason. It was because a Hidden Energy Field he discovered was not being supported. All energy fields are by definition 3-D, that is a 3 dimensional field.  Burr and his colleagues did 20 years of studies at Yale and New Haven Hospital proving the field was a blueprint, a 3-D Energy Field template for growth and repair! He also tested plants and found that the field around a seeded sprout was NOT the shape of the seed, but instead it was the shape of the adult plant it was to become!

Burr believed if the Life Field was supported with 3-D forming Energy, the hidden renewal cycles in us would work perpetually like when we were young!  He titled his book… Blue Print for Immortality – The Fields of Life.

Although Burr’s research was suppressed, we at The Ageless Secret found it and it inspired the research which ultimately led to the discovery of a secret 3-D forming Energy that supports renewal cycles.   Energy Discovery proven  in a Landmark, 2-year study published March 2014 in WATER, a peer reviewed Science Journal.

There are 20+ natural ingredients in the formula that work with this energy.  The most Special Ingredient is Helichrysum Italicum.  This is the World’s most expensive essential oil.  It has been made to be very powerful in the formula.

The Immortal Flower: It is called immortelle because when the beautiful golden Helichrysum flowers are cut they do not fade and they last a long time.  It is like they have an immortal energy and this gives it “magical” properties!

It is very powerful for Anti-aging.  The developer of the formula and his wife are in their 70’s.  They look young and their hands look like they are maybe age 30! 

OUR GUARANTEE:  Use the Kit for 30 days and if you don’t look like you have been swimming in the FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH we will refund your purchase, including shipping!

The AGE BETTER Kit makes it possible for you and everyone in your family to AGE Better.

  • Use The AGE BETTER bottle everywhere on the body.  The more you do, the better your results will be! 
  • GREAT ON HANDS: Hand sanitizers are very drying.  Use the AGE BETTER product to combat dryness.
  • Works over Makeup: The fine mist of the AGE BETTER product works over makeup with no mess allowing for a refreshed look all day!
  • For the greatest AGE BETTER benefit… Flood your face with 24 sprays of The AGE BETTER product first thing in the morning.  Tilt your head back and spread it from your chin to your forehead.  This is very refreshing, stress reducing and leaves your face feeling smooth and looking great.
  • For FACE LIFTING Amazing Immediate results… As the AGE BETTER product begins to dry, press it and hold tightly for 5 seconds.  Moving around your face and neck, VERY Quickly pull away and upward.  Keep doing this as the product dries and the lifting effect increases in intensity!
  • This lets you “pull out wrinkles” and lift and tighten your skin.  It is like massaging your skin from the inside out.  Do this every day and the face lifting effect will be training your skin.
  • Want to beat the Aging Clock?   Do 3 sprays on the right ear and 3 sprays on the left ear. Apply 3 sprays to your Navel to increase intestinal fortitude and 3 sprays on the top of your head. This is a point where your main acupuncture channels meet and your crown chakra.  The Crown Charka is the point for the 3 most important glands in you… The Pituitary, the Pineal and the Hypothalamus.  Theoretically, this can have tremendous AGE BETTER BENEFITS.   Flood your face in the morning and do these Age Better, Energetic Treatments, Morning, Noon and Night for 30 days and we guarantee…  LOVE IT OR YOUR MONEY BACK!
  • To Make another AGE BETTER Bottle:   Your KIT comes with a ready to use AGE BETTER Bottle.  To make a new one, spray 10 sprays  of The Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula™ into the clear AGE Better Bottle.  Add water up to the shoulder. Cap it tightly.  Shake.  You are done!  The KIT allows you for you to make 20 bottles!

Spray it on your skin.  Notice it has a lotion feel.  Press it and crush it as it dries. It feels sticky. When it dries it feels very soft.  The low cost allows you to freely use the AGE Better Bottle all over  your body as an anti-aging skin hydrating spray.

You may be wondering how this AGE Better product that you made with mostly water can be so amazing.  The answer is both the Water Batteries and the ingredients you transferred from The Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula™  are very powerful and they both are in great abundance in that product.   The AGE BETTER product can be used all over the body.  When it is used up simply make a new one.  The kit easily allows for creating 20 AGE BETTER bottles!  Now everyone can inexpensively AGE Better!


Thousands of years ago people lived for hundreds of years, according to The Bible and AGED better than us.  DNA science says that is impossible.  Our DNA only lasts 125 years because it wears out.  Why didn’t their DNA wear out thousands of years ago?

DNA is bathed in water.  It is moving around every time a cell replicates.  IF that water had a lubricating action that was very strong their DNA might last a long time.  Do we have lubricating water in us?

YES! On the Home Page there is a 3 minute animated video.  One of the scenes shows a child under the age of 10 can transform water in 30 seconds to Micro Particle Water , aka Water Batteries that feel lubricating, like a lotion.  Most adults cannot do it in 30 seconds and may take as long as 5 minutes.  When an adult uses The Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula™ they can create the lubricating water like a child under the age of 10!  Could this stronger lubricating water keep our DNA from wearing out and help us AGE Better?

The creation of the lubricating water needs a special energy.  It exists in Life, but declines with stress and time.  So it seems that the special energy in people thousands of years ago did not decline as rapidly as our does today.

The Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula™ in the KIT has an Energy that is similar to the Energy in Life,   It is a stable substitute for declining Life Energy!  This Energy can pass through matter like a magnet and it allows for the creation of The AGE BETTER BOTTLE!

BONUS USE For The Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula™ 

Wine and Food

It works with wine and food too!

It works because Laboratory Proven Time Reversal Energy in The Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula™ can pass through matter like a magnet!

The procedure is  different than the Age Better product.  Nothing is sprayed into the Wine or the Food.

Apply 5 sprays of The Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula on one palm.  Rub your palms together and hold the glass of wine with both hands for 30 secondsWhite wine that may have an after bite can be made to taste smoother.  It works with Reds too. Do NOT do it with an expensive wine with many nuances of flavors.

Champagne is amazing.  If they are very expensive ones, which don’t have an after taste you don’t need it.  However, most in the low to medium price range have a slight after taste.  After treating it you can see the bubbles float up faster in the champagne flute and it tastes smoother.

With food, spicy flavors are greatly enhanced.  Spicy salad dressings can be made to taste amazing.

Why Spray the Ears?

Applying this Energy in The Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula™ to your skin makes it look more lifted with a reduced appearance of wrinkles helping to erase and fight off the unwanted aged look gravity causes.

There is great benefit in treating the ears. According to acupuncture medicine, all acupuncture points in the body terminate in the ear.  In fact, they claim if one “connects the dots” there is an upside down complete person that will be seen.

The Energy in Your AGE BETTER Product made with Bottled Spring Water is compatible with acupuncture. That means treating your ears with it is like treating your entire body inside and outside all at once, so there could theoretically be anti-aging benefits.

It’s NOT Magic… It’s NOT a Miracle… It’s The Ageless Secret!™

What is 3-D Energy? This is going to seem too amazing to be true, but it is an energy called Etheric Energy. It was considered to be theoretical until Dr. Burr accidentally proved it. He proved if he damaged the 3-D Energy Field he damaged the organism. He proved it determined how the organism looked. BURR PROVED IT COMES FIRST.  IT IS PRIMARY!  THE PHYSICAL GETS ITS FORM AND SHAPE AS A RESULT OF IT!

The science and the math are advanced and complicated. Etheric Energy seems to be moving faster than light and come from another dimension, which Einstein’s math predicts.  That means somehow the human body brings in this information carrying energy that determines shape and form. 

Scientists who study this energy call it Subtle Energy.  They gave it the name in frustration, because it is unstable, rare and difficult to prove. The math predicts it is Time Reversal and it should have the property of Anti-Gravity.  We proved it can make water lighter and therefore we call it Time Reversal Energy.

This 3-D, renewal cycle supporting Energy, declines in us after the Age of 35, but we have a stable substitute for it.


Disclaimer: No Risk Beauty Treatment.  Gravity causes aging and sagging wrinkled skin. In life there is an energy that works against gravity and it can theoretically slow or reverse aging, but it declines with age.  The Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula™ contains a similar energy that exists independent of life.  Even though this energy has been proven in the laboratory to have Anti-Gravity properties and to flow through acupuncture energy channels like life energy does, no claims are made to change structure or to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease.