Tag Archives: younger

There is a famous experiment that was done at Harvard. Several volunteers who were over the age of 50 were placed in an environment that was like being back in time. The magazines, the surroundings, and the music were from the 50s. They were told to have only discussions that were like when they were in the 50s. After two weeks, amazingly, when aging measurements were made, it was found that they had reversed their age by 10 years. Two weeks after returning to their normal environment they reverted back to their former selves. 

This experiment clearly shows the effect of the mind body connection on the way we look. What no one has been able to understand is why? If we look at the idea of “Happy Water,” we have a possible explanation showing that if one can compensate for the effects of stress age reversal may be possible. This may also explain why when people get back from having a great relaxing vacation they look years younger.

Want to know how to do it without going on vacation? Ask me.

What is happy water? Happy water is the kind of water we have in us when we are young.

This is a Jim Kaszyk theory and it is based on the concept of structured water. Structured water is described as organized water.

water1.1-300x200So how does that benefit you? An easy way to understand how this works is to compare the difference between quartz and sand. Both are chemically the same, but quartz is highly structured allowing it to amplify electrical signals. Sand is randomly structured and it does not amplify electrical signals. According to the structured water theory of aging, when we are young we have high amounts of structured water. As we age the amount declines until we can no longer live.

Also according to this theory your DNA is bathed in this kind of water and stress destroys structured water. So, it may be that by having happy thoughts you help to keep your structured water, the water of your youth, intact so your DNA can function best. But, the bigger question here is where does this structured water of youth come from and why do we lose it?

Medical doctor and longevity expert shares his tips for feeling and looking younger

runnerWhen you got up this morning, did your energy level and appearance more closely match your children or your grandparents? Maybe it’s finally time to stop procrastinating and start living a healthier lifestyle. Dr. Daniel L. Johnson, M.D., founder and medical director of the Desert Longevity Institute in Palm Desert, California, says everyone needs a plan for naturally maintaining their youthful looks and stamina.

Exercise, good nutrition, and reducing stress top Dr. Johnson’s recommendations for anti-aging.

Below is his handy, clock-slowing checklist:

Try for 30 minutes of exercise daily – As a way to improve fitness and decrease stress, exercise offers a double bonus. What you do doesn’t matter as much as if you enjoy it. “If someone is forced to lift weights, it can add stress to their lives because they hate it,” says Dr. Johnson. “One exercise that yields the maximum benefit for the least amount of effort is rebounding – jumping up and down on a little trampoline.” And remember, exercise should make you feel better. If all exercises, even gentle ones, make you feel worse, Dr. Johnson suggests consulting a holistic doctor for adrenal testing.

Avoid stressing your body with poor nutrition – “When you eat sugar, starches and highly processed foods, your blood sugars go up dramatically. That’s a real stress your body must deal with,” explains Dr. Johnson. Replace sugary, processed foods with fruits and vegetables. Get plenty of fiber. And contrary to popular belief, you should get plenty of healthy, natural fats such as extra virgin olive oil and the fats found in coconuts, avocados, egg yolks, fish and nuts.

De-stress at your desk – It may be no great revelation, but Dr. Johnson says taking a mini-vacation in your mind’s eye is very effective. “Close your eyes, take slow breaths and imagine yourself in a pleasant situation,” he advises.

Stop back soon as we reveal more tips on feeling and looking younger.